I lost my wallet in New Zealand. I have a pretty good idea where it is -- it
probably fell out of the van at a remote DOC campsite we stayed at the night
before we did the Tongairio crossing (I’m pretty sure one sock also fell out with
it). By the time we realized it wasn't
in the van we were 3 hours north and decided it wasn't worth the trip back to
look for it. I find that a little funny. I used to really worry about losing my wallet,
but then Sarah had her pocket picked in NY, and we realized it isn’t that big
of a problem. I was only carrying a
credit card and driver’s license. It
hurts, but it had very little effect on our trip. The biggest downside is without my driver’s
license, Sarah is now the designated driver.
The upside is I have an opportunity to take an inspired new driver’s license
photo. I’ll let you know how that goes.
My phone died a couple weeks ago too. The USB connector wore out so there’s no way
to recharge it. I looked into getting it
fixed, but it’s cheaper to wait a month and get a new contract when we get
home. Crazy. That was my camera. Luckily I’d been backing up all my photos on
the laptop and online. We still have
Sarah’s camera and, until recently, the green waterproof one. Turns out that it is no longer
waterproof. Pretty lucky we can afford
to lose two cameras and still no worries.
If we lose Sarah’s camera or the laptop, then I’ll be worried.
The laptop is still working, mostly. It died in India, which I suspect may be due
to some undesirable harmonics in the power system, or maybe spikes when we lost
power and the hotel’s generator switched on.
Not the kind of thing you’d ever think about in Canada. It came back to life in Singapore. Now the battery has quit again, though it
still works plugged in. Sarah’s phone
reboots on its own sometimes, but still works most of the time.
We went for a hike to the top of Diamond Head in Oahu. The original temple on top of it was dedicated
to the god of the wind. It’s pretty
obvious why now -- my hat and sunglasses became an offering to the wind god. The glasses were on top of my hat when a gust
of wind caught it and I watched both of them sail over the cliff. That hurt.
But Sarah bought me shaved ice at the bottom of the hill, which made
things a little better.
Sarah has been trying her best to lose her wallet this
entire trip, but it keeps coming back to her.
The pockets in her shorts are so shallow that it’s fallen out at least
three times, but luckily she’s noticed and run back onto the train to get it,
or I’ve picked it up, or someone has found it on the beach and brought it
back. I now carry both her wallet and
camera in my pockets, which is pretty ironic.
I’ve informed her they’re mine now.
My precious. Sarah
The downside to losing my driver’s license is Sarah now has
to drive for the rest of the trip. Good
thing the driving-intensive part of our trip is over. We put just short of 5000 km on the campervan
in NZ. I have a photocopy of my driver’s
license and, surprisingly, it was accepted by Avis when we rented our car in
Samoa. Sarah drove from the airport to
our B&B on our first night and hit a police roadblock which was checking
for licenses. I figured I’d try driving
to the ferry the next day and was pulled over also, for a different reason. I went straight through an intersection in
the left turning lane and, unfortunately, a cop was standing directly on the
other side of the intersection. I
suppose they were there to do license checks.
When he pointed it out, I could see a faint arrow painted on the
road. Then I had a few tense minutes
explaining about the license.
Fortunately, he let me go but we decided Sarah’s the designated driver
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This is the closest to driving I've come in the last month. |
I’m aware how good life is, in general. I try not to lose sight of that. If this isn't nice I don't know what is. I’d been thinking about this when feeling a
little down about losing my wallet and phone and sock. I don’t need a scare to remind me how lucky
we are, but we got one. We narrowly
avoided being T-boned at highway speed in NZ.
We were on a country road, which are all 100 km/h in NZ. I was turning right (akin to turning left in
North America), had the blinker on, slowed down and started to turn when the
guy behind us tried to pass on the right.
I stopped and he nearly hit the ditch swerving to avoid us. I have no idea what he was thinking. He even came back to give me a piece of his
mind, but I still don’t know what he was thinking. My best guess is, “this can’t possibly be my
fault, so it must be yours.”
And that’s everything that’s happened in the last 6
weeks. Blog updated.